
If you are looking for an interpreter for a conference, congress, press conference or meeting or if you need somebody to be your voice at an international trade fair or on a business trip, I can advice you on the interpreting solution which fits best with your needs. I work with a team of interpreters mastering different languages and available in Spain and abroad.

Simultaneous interpreting

Simultaneous interpreters work in sound-proof booths and they translate the speaker’s words into the target language at the same time he or she is speaking. The audience can follow the speech through headphones. This kind of interpretation is suitable for conferences, congresses and seminaries. This method is very dynamic, as communication takes place in real time. Except for short interventions (less than an hour and a half) interpreters work in pairs and take turns every 20 or 30 minutes in order to assure maximum quality.

These are some examples of conferences I have participated in:

Medical conferences

  • 14th National Congress of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine Santander
  • Session “Less is more: towards a less aggressive and more individualized therapy of breast cancer” Hospital Quirón de Bilbao
  • 47th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SEMICYUC) Santander
  • XI National Conference on Cystic Fibrosis. Santander
  • II National Conference on Surgical Oncology. Santander

Economics and innovation

  • 15th World Economy Meeting Santander
  • Session “Management of business areas and industrial parks” Bilbao
  • International Session on Economics and Culture Bilbao
  • Conference "R&D challenges in the electric sector" Oviedo

Social sciences

  • 1st Inter-university meeting “Universitas MDG, building citizenship” Santander
  • 7th ORUE Symposium: “New care models: the elderly and home care” Bilbao
  • 5th Local CONAMA Conference and Vitoria’s award as European Green Capital 2012 Vitoria
  • Session “Dual training systems in Higher Education in Europe" Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa)


  • "Technarte", International Conference on Art and Technology. Bilbao
  • XIII National Conference on Family Businesses. Santander
  • IV International Conference of Human Rights. Bilbao
  • Live interview on the TV show "Conexión Asturias". Asturias

Consecutive interpreting

The speaker talks for 6 or 8 minutes and the interpreter listens and takes notes. Then, the interpreter renders those words in the target language. It is commonly used in press conferences, presentations and short meetings. The main advantage is that no technical equipment is required. However, it takes up a lot of time and it is not recommended for long lectures or speeches.

Some examples of consecutive interpreting assignments:

  • Press conferences for the presentation of the program "Pathways of Peace" of the Assembly of Cooperation for Peace. Santander
  • Presentation for the press of the Scent Opera. Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao
  • Welcome speeches of authorities at the International Forgemasters Meeting. Santander
  • Internationalization meeting: "Possibilities of the Automotive Sector in South Africa". Santander
  • Press conferences for the presentation of opera, theatre and classical music performances at the Festival Hall in Santander. Santander

Liaison interpreting

The interpreter is the communication link in a small group of people and intervenes right after they speak. Unlike consecutive interpreting, interventions are short and no technical equipment is required. This technique is common in meetings, technical visits, negotiations, trade fairs, visits of delegations, etc.

This way of interpreting requires a profound knowledge of the cultural differences that may exist between the speakers in order to assure a fluent communication and avoid cultural misunderstandings.


Phone / Fax

+34 942 36 45 46


+34 686 53 74 08





I am an ASETRAD member (Spanish Association of Translators, Proofreaders and Interpreters)


I am a sworn interpreter of English designated by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación

I am a member of the ProZ translators’ community.


You can visit my Linkedin profile.


Work process



We choose the interpretation technique that fits best with the event you are organizing.



We prepare a quote according to the technical and human needs.

If you wish, our quote can include the costs of the technical equipment for simultaneous interpreting.



Interpreters prepare for all assignments.

For that purpose, it is highly recommendable to have as many references as possible in advance. This includes presentations, abstracts and other documents related to the topic of the conference or the meeting.



Interpreters usually appear half an hour before the event starts.

This way we can check that the technical equipment works properly and, if circumstances allow, we introduce ourselves to the speaker before getting started and discuss the particulars of the presentation.